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Striving for




Programme of Study

Our programme of study at Swinton Academy has three core components


Students choose three subjects from our list of A level and Vocational subjects. All of our courses are two-year level 3 courses. These are required to access university degree courses and degree apprenticeships. 

For each subject selected, students will attend five hours of timetabled lessons per week. Additionally, they will be expected to commit to an extra four hours independent study per subject per week. This will include teacher-set homework published on Google Classroom; consolidation of class notes; revision; research; preparation work; wider reading etc.

Our entry requirements are that students have achieved five GCSEs at grade 4 or above, including English Language and/or Maths. We consider each application on an individual basis and in certain circumstances, may still offer a place where these requirements have not been met. In addition, some subjects have specific entry requirements, which are detailed in the revised entry criteria below. Any student enrolling on to our Post 16 courses without a grade 4 in GCSE English Language or Maths will have a re-sit class added to their timetable.


Students also attend a thirty-minute registration session twice a week. These registrations are compulsory and our PSHE and assembly programmes are delivered in these sessions.  Additionally, students will attend one other session every two-three weeks which is a one-to-one meeting with their personal tutor.

In the academy, there is also the option to speak to our school counsellor if required. We also have a careers' advisor who will meet with students individually whenever required to advise about pathways after students leave.



In addition to their timetabled hours, we ask students to commit to our enrichment programme which involves at least one hour a week of extracurricular activity. Our enrichment programme designed to help our students develop wider interpersonal skills and greater independence. This is very useful when applying for the next stage.