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Striving for




Careers Education and Guidance

Swinton Academy:  Provider Access Policy

At Swinton Academy we endeavor to work towards The Gatsby Good Practice Benchmarks, the DFE Careers Guidance and other good practice guidance from the Department of Education, Ofsted and relevant bodies. For more information please click either of the links below


Gatsby Benchmarks 2018


Gatsby Benchmarks 2018

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance Vision

At Swinton Academy we endeavor to work towards The Gatsby Good Practice Benchmarks, the DFE Careers Guidance and other good practice guidance from the Department of Education, Ofsted and relevant bodies.

The Swinton Academy Careers Offer

The six key elements underpinning the Swinton Academy careers offer are documented below.  Each key element is twinned with The eight Gatsby Benchmarks of good career guidance.  These benchmarks, now part of the government careers strategy, are viewed as a measurement to define world-class career guidance.


  1. Gatsby Benchmark 8. Personal guidance.
    Gatsby Benchmark 3. Addressing the needs of each pupil


Every young person in the academy should have access to impartial, independent and personalised careers education, information, advice. Students and parents/carers are encouraged to book individual careers guidance appointments with our professionally qualified in-house advisor, Sarah Sykes.  Our careers calendar detailing careers and enterprise events along with our careers/enterprise partners can be viewed on the website.


  1. Gatsby Benchmark 1. A stable careers programme


Swinton Academy has a governor, member of leadership team and careers advisor with designated oversight for ensuring that the institution supports all students to relate their learning to careers and the world of work from an early age.


  1. Gatsby Benchmark 2. Learning from career and labour market information.


Swinton Academy has up-to-date, user-friendly labour market intelligence/information (LMI) readily accessible by young people, teachers and parents/carers.  This includes use of U-Explore and up-to-date employment market information.  (see pdf on website). pages/job market information/3


  1. Gatsby Benchmark 6. Experiences of workplaces
    Gatsby Benchmark 5. Encounters with employers and employees


Every young person in the academy will have the opportunity to meet employers to support their knowledge and experience of career pathway options. This may include career insights from industry experts, work tasters, coaching, mentoring, enterprise activities, part-time work, work shadowing and other relevant activities.


  1. Gatsby Benchmark 6. Experiences of workplaces
    Gatsby Benchmark 7. Encounters with further and higher education


Swinton Academy is a member of the Sheffield City Region’s Careers and Enterprise network and works with an Enterprise Coordinator from The Source Skills Academy. ( The Source Skills Academy at Meadowhall is a flagship centre providing state of the art training, development and conferencing facilities for all sectors of the local community and local businesses in South Yorkshire, including Sheffield, Barnsley and Rotherham. The source offers opportunities for our students to have encounters with employers and other providers.  The academy will provide a record that our students are given numerous experiences to help them become work-ready and that employers can be confident that they have been given support in terms of careers guidance and work-related learning.


  1. Gatsby Benchmark 4. Linking curriculum learning to careers.


The quality of careers provision in the academy will be strengthened by developing ‘careers hubs’ in the region to share resources in improving awareness of the local lemployment market and the wider region’s employment market, and is designed to support other school and college leaders in a whole-school approach to plan and deliver careers provision.

Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance.

The Careers Information, Advice & Guidance Education programme at Swinton Academy enables our students to make a successful transition into their chosen pathway.

Students have access to a range of careers support delivered through a variety of ways. All students will have a one to one guidance appointment; students can request a guidance appointment at any time throughout their academic life.  Students will be offered support at key transition points such as Year 8 options, Year 11 progression planning and UCAS higher education applications for those want to progress on to University. Parents/carers are able to attend appointments and careers guidance specialists and the website will be updated regularly with useful links and articles relating to careers for our students.

Targeted support for Vulnerable and Disadvantaged students

The academy will seek to quickly identify students who are in need of targeted support or who are at risk of not participating in further studies after year 11, becoming NEET (not in education, employment or training). Targeted students receive additional in-college support on career options, pathways (Apprenticeships, College etc.) and application help.

Specific cohorts of students such as pupil premium students receive carefully targeted advice and access to other career related programmes such as university visits, college visits and other appropriate support.

When in Post 16 we ensure that students understand that the 16 to 19 Bursary Fund is available, and used in a way to support their learning needs.

SEND Students support

The academy seeks to understand the interests, strengths and motivations of students and use this to support students onto a pathway that supports their development and progression.

Independent and impartial advice and guidance for young people with SEN and disabilities will include information about all the options available to them including education, training and employment opportunities and will signpost them on to the most relevant pathway.  This includes work skills programmes, work experience, traineeships, apprenticeships and qualifications that will enable students to apply for higher education, where appropriate.





Curriculum Area

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance covered


Y10 &11

Discussion about the benefits of Art to all creative careers, contextualised within South Yorkshire as an upcoming hub of creative and digital media industry.


Y9 – 13

Students visit local businesses as part of the Business course to find out what goes into running the business.

The course looks at recruitment and selection, introduction to marketing, business and personal finance – the courses are aimed at preparing students to work in business. Students research Careers within accountancy, banking, marketing, human resources and entrepreneurship.  Students in Post 16 will have an opportunity to take part in work shadowing and this gives them an excellent opportunity to participate in the local employment market.


Y7 – Y11 - Students look at the different sectors of employment, exploring how they have changed over time with the development of technology.  The positives and negatives of ICT being introduced into the workplace are explored.


Y9 - Curriculum input on safe working practices for ‘site’ careers

Y10 - Variety of job roles within the construction industry explained.

Y11 - Extensive input and discussion relating to apprenticeships within the construction industry.

Design Technology

Y7 – Experiencing CAD (computer aided design) for batch production, linking to industrial practices for batch production

Y9 – Discussion of roles and careers relating to STEM / Design Technology and the manufacturing industry.

Y10 – Curriculum input about modern manufacturing and production processes.

Y11 – Extensive discussion about progressions routes, how and where to study DT related subjects post-16 and where qualifications could lead in terms of career.


Y9-11 - Section A of the examination requires students to acquire knowledge of jobs and roles in the theatre, which are investigated and learnt.


Y7 - 13 – Looking at writing and editing/drafting - this includes creative pieces as well as "real-life" scenarios such as letter writing, applications, reading and creating different types of media including articles. Speaking, listening and presenting skills are assessed throughout their 5 years, both in groups and individually that will help in the world of work.
Y12-13 -  Language and Film Studies – Editorial writing and aspects of journalism/media.
Y12-13 -  Film Studies – Research roles within media, advertising and marketing.








In Y7 – 11 French and Spanish pupils are encouraged to develop their translation and oracy skills through a variety of activities. Communication skills include listening, reading speaking and writing on a weekly basis.


In Y11 students study future jobs and careers; post 16 education- university and apprenticeships and the advantages/disadvantages of part -time work.


Food preparation and nutrition

Y7-8 – Curriculum input on safe working practices in the food industry (hygiene practices, avoiding contamination, personal safety etc.)

Y9 – Exploring Food Science and its application in the food development industry.
Y10 – Experience of food service via the afternoon tea assessment.
Y11 – Extensive discussion about progressions routes, how and where to study Food post-16. Further discussion of the broad range potential career paths within the food industry.


Students look at the different sectors of employment within Geography and consider how these vary between countries at different levels of development. At GCSE and A level students consider the features of the UK and global economies and how globalisation has affected the economic world. Students also look at why high tech and advanced industries locate in certain areas and usually close to major universities

Health and Social care

Y12 – Students explore careers within the Health Care sector, they also have the opportunity to gain some valuable work experience in a social care setting.
Y12/13 – Our level 3 students explore careers within the Health Care sector, they also have the opportunity to gain some valuable work experience in setting such as the NHS and other Care settings.


Students learn how the government has changed over time and how society and ideas have evolved to create the modern world in which we work.


**Please see SMSC plan on the website for specific details**


Y7 - 11 – Discuss how maths is used in different occupations.
Y12/13 – Students look at the role of an accountant.


In Y8 music, the use of technology to create film scores is explored, so students investigate the role of a composer. Students also form bands in order to perform Brit pop music, they therefore gain greater knowledge of how the music industry works.



Y9 -  U-Explore. Students explore career opportunities, job suitability and routes into employment.


·         U Explore. Students explore career opportunities, job suitability and routes into employment.

·         Developing employment skills and employment

·         CV writing


·         U Explore. Students explore career opportunities, job suitability and routes into employment.

·         CV writing

·         Exploring Post-16 options

·         Applying for Post-16 studies

Religious Education

Post-16 display on studying RE at A Level and what careers it links to.


During National science week each year group from Y7 - Y13 will explore careers in science.


They will research careers in Y7 - Y8 into a range of professions across Biology, Chemistry and Physics and in Y9 - Y13 will look at careers linked to each of the three sciences.

They will produce a poster, leaflet and presentation linked to science careers and skills.



Y12 – Students look at different areas within the sports world, they look at Health & Safety at work, learning how to risk assess. The year 12 students also look at routes into sports coaching, as well as sports organisation and development. Students study and take part in the organisation of a sport event.


Y8 – Study of recycling within the textiles industry.

Y9 – Understanding commissioning of artwork via community projects.
Y10 & 11 – Discussion about the benefits of Art to all creative careers, contextualised within South Yorkshire as an upcoming hub of creative and digital media industry.




Baker Clause

Swinton Academy:  Provider Access Policy


This policy statement sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to pupils at the school for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997.

Pupil entitlement

All pupils in years 7-13 are entitled:

  • to find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships

opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the

full range of education and training options available at each transition point.

  • to hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including

technical education and apprenticeships – through options events, assemblies

and group discussions and taster events.

  • to understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and

technical courses.

Management of provider access requests


A provider wishing to request access should contact Mrs Chela Wilson, Associate Principal

Telephone:  01709 570586    


Careers Leader: Sarah Rhodes,  Assistant Vice-Principal


Opportunities for access

Several events, integrated into the school careers programme, will offer providers an opportunity to come into school to speak to pupils and/or their parents/carers. See the school website for information.

Please speak to our Principal Chela Wilson to identify the most suitable opportunity for you.

Premises and facilities

The school will make the main hall, classrooms, or private meeting rooms available for discussions between the provider and students, as appropriate to the activity. The school will also make available AV and other specialist equipment to support provider presentations. This will all be discussed and agreed in advance of the visit with the

Careers Leader or a member of their team.

Providers are welcome to leave a copy of their prospectus or other relevant course literature at the Careers Resource Centre, which is managed by the school librarian. The Resource Centre is available to all students at lunch and break times.

New compliance guidance from January 2023

Year 7 are offered the opportunity to meet with a careers advisor and will have mandatory assemblies on pathways and careers options.

Below outlined the key opportunities available to students regarding technical or apprenticeship information. For each event parents and pupils will be informed about the provider and what they offer via a weblink within the letter. Also, careers linked to the technical opportunities and what qualifications are needed and a description of what learning or training might lead to. This is supported by information about the colleges, inspection reports and overall grading.

The amended Baker Clause establishes a set of clear definitions for each “key phase” of a student’s education:

Two encounters for pupils during the ‘first key phase’ (year 8 or 9) that are mandatory for all pupils to attend 

  • Two encounters for pupils during the ‘second key phase’ (year 10 or 11) that are mandatory for all pupils to attend 
  • Two encounters for pupils during the ‘third key phase’ (year 12 or 13) that are mandatory for the school to put on but optional for pupils to attend 

A provider, to whom access is given, must deliver an encounter that includes the following:​

  • Information about the provider and the approved technical education qualifications or apprenticeships that the provider offers​
  • Information about the careers to which those technical education qualifications or apprenticeships might lead​
  • A description of what learning or training with the provider is like​
  • Responses to questions from the pupils about the provider or approved technical education qualifications and apprenticeships.​

Pupil entitlement All pupils in years 7 to 13 are entitled:

To find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point.

To hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options events, assemblies and group discussions and taster events.

To understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.

Year group


Time of year 


Year 7






All events are either a full assembly session – 40 minutes or a full day / full lesson for 60 minutes

Introduction to careers – pathways at post-16 assembly


Involvement in Apprenticeship week assemblies


Employer assembly – ASK apprenticeships.


September HT1



February HT2





March 2023

I know that there are different Post16 pathways including apprenticeships, T levels and University courses.

Year 8

Year 8 – Impartial mandatory assembly delivered by RNN Colleges (Dearne Valley/ Rotherham College) apprenticeships

Introduction to pathways at both colleges including apprenticeships and vocational


Year 8 – Impartial internal assemblies delivered by careers team on vocational pathways

Apprenticeship week


Year 8 – Work shadowing Day / careers event in the academy with employers and providers


Employer assembly – NG Bailey



November HT2





February HT2




July HT6












March 2023

I can start to make links between experiences in my school life and the skills needed to be successful Post-16.

Year 9

Year 9 –Impartial mandatory assembly delivered by RNN Colleges apprenticeships


Year 9 – Internal assemblies delivered by careers team vocational pathways / T levels/ BTEC and technical qualifications


Year 9 – opportunities to visit colleges – technical and vocational


Employer assembly – Corrosion Resistant Materials


November HT2




January HT3




June HT6





March 2023

I can say what the benefits of a particular post-16 route might be and start to think how this might apply to how I prefer to work and study.

Year 10

Year 10 – Impartial Mandatory assembly for all Y10 students on the benefits of technical education – RNN Colleges


Year 10 – Internal assemblies for all Y10 students on apprenticeships / T levels / entry requirements – careers team Apprenticeship week


Year 10 – Delivery of information to all students from ASK apprenticeships


Year 10 – Employers careers fair in the academy and ‘Speed dating’ careers from employers organised by outside company. Includes range of technical employers


Y10 – Employers careers day


Sheffield Hallam University campus visit


Employer assembly – City Fibre

January HT3






February HT3





February HT3





November HT2




May HT5


February HT4






March 2023

I can weight up the pros and cons of different career pathways and why a particular route would work for me.


I can draw up a list of questions about what I want to ask different employers that I can use to inform my future career plan.

Year 11

Year 11 – Mandatory assembly delivered by RNN Colleges with focus on applications and choosing an apprenticeship / ASK Apprenticeships workshop


Year 11 – Bespoke workshop for Y11 to help them apply for their apprenticeship – RNN and Ask apprenticeships

Internal assembly – careers team pathways at Post 16


Year 11 – Careers fair – providers from across the area. All technical colleges invited and vocational providers.


Sheffield Hallam University visit


Employer assembly – KPMG


January HT3






January HT3






November HT2




February HT4






March 2023

I have the skills and knowledge to make informed decisions about my next steps.

Post -16

Year 12 – Ask Apprenticeship support for degree apprenticeships – mandatory assembly and bespoke support workshops


Year 12 – Internal assembly for all students on post -18 options


Year 12 – Apprenticeship fair / event


Year 13/12 – Bespoke degree apprenticeship support /Ask Apprenticeships / Sheffield Hallam University presentation

January / February HT3





March HT4






February HT3

I can reflect and discuss the different processes that I have experienced in order to manage my own career development





Complimentary careers opportunities


Target group

Careers and work-related education activities including financial capability, enterprise and employability

Careers information, advice and guidance


Year 7


  • Introduction to careers exploration
  • Development of aspirations, self-awareness and personal development through a varied and inspiring programme of project week activities 
  • Introduction to STEM Careers
  • START Profile research
  • Assemblies
  • Careers Day transition activity September HT1 – introduction to careers




  • Access to 1:1 Careers Adviser or personal support in Compass through referral by staff, parents, HoY or tutors.
  • Access to employer visits and careers club lunch times or after school
  • External providers delivering STEM sessions and project week activities


Year 8


  • Year 8 Careers lesson (intro to careers provision, decision making/informed choice, gender stereotyping)
  • START profile
  • Careers Fair
  • Work shadowing day

Project Week activities

  • Introduction to STEM Careers
  • Assemblies
  • Aspire PD Programme
  • 1:1 support for SEN and PP students to support Option Choices. 
  • 1:1 support following referrals by HoY, LSM or tutors
  • Access to employer visits and careers club lunch times or after school
  • External providers delivering STEM sessions and project week activities


Year 9



  • Careers Fair and access to employer visits
  • GCSE options

-          Career Pilot, personal interests, careers quiz, decision making skills

-          START profile

  • Work Wise GUTS
  • Year 9 Options Evening
  • Introduction to HE and Post 16 Pathways and benefits of university and apprenticeships
  • Apprenticeship week
  • Careers Week
  • Full time Careers Adviser in school
  • Individual careers information, advice, and guidance for students
  • 1:1 support for SEN and PP students to support Option Choices. 
  • Annual Review with transition focus
  • Careers adviser supporting project week Careers Plan
  • Alumni talks and workshops on option choices
  • External providers delivering STEM sessions and project week activities


Year 10


  • Health & Safety in the Workplace
  • Work Experience placements
  • 1:1 CIAG appointments for selected students
  • College Taster days
  • EHCP, PP and vulnerable transition support
  • Introduction to Apprenticeships
  • Introduction to Armed Forces Careers
  • Careers Day
  • University visit
  • Apprenticeship visits
  • RNN College visits
  • Work experience support for vulnerable or disadvantaged students.
  •  Careers Adviser in school – students given opportunity to meet
  • Individual careers information, advice, and guidance for students.
  • Alumni talks and workshops in prep for employment




Year 11


  • Careers interviews for all Year 11 students
  • Post 16 small-group sessions
  • Assemblies from local FE, 6th Form and Apprenticeship providers – Post 16 Transition
  • Apprenticeship group work and support
  • Careers Fair
  • Student and Parent College information evening
  • 16+ Application process
  • Mock Interviews
  • Higher Education Awareness – visits and assemblies
  • Alumni assembly
  • Careers talks from Employers – LMI, STEM ASK
  • Individual careers information, advice and guidance for all Y11 students by CA in school
  • Transition support and guidance SEND
  • PP and vulnerable groups extensive support from CA, LSM, HoY and SR
  • Application form guidance and support by CA and external providers
  • Interview preparation in project week
  • Interview support
  • Alumni events
  • External providers delivering STEM sessions and project week activities


  • Degree Apprenticeship assemblies
  • ASK Apprenticeships presentation
  • Bespoke career presentations e.g., Law
  • Other options Post 18 delivered through assemblies
  • University open days
  • Google Classroom – career updates to all students
  • UCAS support
  • Work experience week Y12
  • Y12 and 13 are offered careers advice by careers advisor
  • Interview preparation
  • Oxbridge preparation
  • Medical application support


Any provider wishing to access or provide IAG to our students as part of our careers programme will be supported by our teaching staff throughout their visit and never left unattended.  We will make available appropriate resources to support provider presentations, which will be discussed and agreed in advance to ensure material meets our quality assurances and security measures.

Our safeguarding/child protection policy outlines the school’s procedure for checking the identity and suitability of visitors.

Education and training providers will be required to adhere to this policy.

Providers are welcome to leave copies of their prospectuses or course literature and we will distribute them to relevant students and have them available in our career’s library.

Students can drop into our careers library to access this information or will be provided relevant information in their career’s guidance interviews.

We can promote and distribute details of careers and apprenticeship literature and vacancies to all relevant students and parents through direct Email and in our careers bulletin.


Approval and review

Approved [date] by Governors at Curriculum and Standards Committee

Next review: [date]

Signed: [name]

Chair of Governors John Barton

Principal Mrs Chela WIlson