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Striving for




Student Leadership Team

Student Leadership is something which we value at Swinton Academy. There are a range of forums for students to voice their opinions and shape the way the academy progresses.

We currently have a Student Leadership Team  comprised of representatives from each year and their main role is around making decisions at a student level and creating the change you want to see, through student voice in all areas of the academy. 

The Student Leadership Team are also taking part in the SSAT Student Leadership Acceditation Award. 

Contact the Student Council:

  • If you want to make changes to the academy which will improve your personal development,
  • If you need help and advice with your academic work and organising your time.
  • They will be a voice to help support your well-being and place in the world – they support diversity and will help celebrate our differences. 

If you need to contact a member of the student leadership team with a query or question, email Mrs Rhodes –

Jimmy Beckitt and George Lennox are Post 16 students who will be leading the Student Leadership Team.