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Striving for





ADT (Art and Design Technology) – Curriculum Intent and Implementation

The intent of our ADT curriculum at Swinton Academy is to develop learners who:

  • Strive to be creative, innovative and explorative learners.
  • Are inspired to develop and explore creative ideas beyond the walls of the classroom.
  • Have ambition to explore further possibilities.
  • Generate meaningful skills for life.
  • Are able to express themselves freely with the confidence and skills to take creative risks.
  • Independently use their initiative in order to excel.
  • Are exposed to authentic creative experiences with experiential learning opportunities.
  • Are able to practically apply their skills through a diverse and exciting co-curricular offer.
  • Have an understanding of their potential within their local community and wider context.

The intent of our curriculum is implemented through:

  • an awareness of students’ KS2 Art and Design Technology experience and the inclusion of baseline assessments early in Year 7 to establish those who may struggle or excel in KS3
  • schemes of work which promote challenge for all learners and provide scaffolded learning experiences to support all students achieving their personal best when moving through the key stages from Key Stage 2 to 5.
  • A carefully sequenced curriculum which builds on prior knowledge and skills whilst developing a broader range of experience working with a range of resistant materials, electrical components, ingredients and artistic media;
  • the inclusion of varied practical activities where students can develop skills with hand and machine tools;
  • the experience of working with modern technology including computer aided design software and devices;
  • lessons where students make independent decisions and leading to unique outcomes;
  • lessons which are focused on safe working practices;
  • lessons which embed relevant literacy and numeracy learning points and allow students to apply this knowledge in a practical setting;
  • an understanding of historical and social context of art and design;
  • the routine expectation that students will show resilience in each and every lesson (the Resilience Zone) and are supported in this through independent learning resources;
  • the selection of projects which are engaging and relevant to young people, whilst also setting creative tasks in real life situations;
  • a reflective approach to the continuing professional development of ADT teachers (an ‘open classroom’ policy, collaborative planning, a teaching and learning focus to all faculty CPD)